Monday, June 11, 2012


Huge kudos to the guys at Pacific Merchant Shipping Association who pitched the Father's Day Fund website: to the SF Chronicle.  It made it into today's Business Section as website of the week.  Check it out:

The story also made it into the Supply Chain Management Review.  Here's the link:

And - there's a Father's Day Fund banner ad in the Cargo Business Newswire:

Ok - so it's a little odd that the cargo/supply chain folks are touting this - but I LOVE IT!!

I am so grateful to my dear friends at PMSA who are really making a difference.  When I was struck with cancer, they leapt into action, not only to help me but to help everyone out there who has been diagnosed or who has yet to be diagnosed with this devastating disease.  Hats off to you guys!

I hope that this inspires everyone to honor their favorite dad(s) by donating to cancer research this year.  I just informed my dad that once again, he'll be getting a card from me saying that Stanford Cancer Center received a donation in his honor.

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