Saturday, February 1, 2014

This Sucks

On Monday, as I was laying on the table waiting for my first dose of radiation, it hit me - “this sucks.”  I am running around so much that I rarely have time to think. But, as I was lying there trying to be still, the sadness of what I was dealing with washed over me. I am really really tired of fighting this disease.


So many of you have been so kind to me, commenting on how “brave” I am. But, I don’t feel brave. I feel like I do what I have to do just to get through every day. In my mind, being brave is when you chose to do something difficult that you don’t need to do. My situation is so different – I have no option but to do what I’m doing if I want to have the best shot at living.


I also frequently hear from people that when they’re feeling sorry for themselves, they think of me and realize how much worse it could be. That always makes me laugh a little inside. At least this cancer has been able to serve some purpose – making so many folks feel better about their own struggles….


I am now halfway through my 10 day radiation cycle. It was a tough week – with a lot of driving back and forth to Stanford. On Tuesday, when I was meeting with Dr. Fisher, he asked me how I was doing. I told him that my gut felt warm and that I was feeling some pain. He smiled and told me that it was psychosomatic – it was too early for me to feel anything. Apparently, the radiation builds up over the two weeks, so next week is when I really may feel it.


The plan going forward is to try to get me back on my fabulous PDL-1 within 2 weeks of finishing radiation. I will be the first person to try this combo of radiation followed by PDL-1. They are very excited to see what happens. We’re all just keeping our fingers crossed that their theory will work and that my immune system will effectively fight the tumors that remain within. Not only would this be a huge win for me but also for hundreds, if not thousands of cancer patients worldwide.


But – all that being said – this still sucks.