Sunday, January 23, 2011

Honorary Colonoscopies

Over the last few weeks, I had two friends tell me that they were having colonoscopies in my honor. Now mind you, this isn’t the first time that I’ve been bestowed with this honor. Over the last three years I have apparently inspired many people to go out and have this VERY EASY check done.

Many of the honorary colonoscopies were done by people who would have put off their colonoscopies, but went ahead and did it because of my story. Wow. It is an incredible feeling to know that in my small way, I am helping eradicate this disease since, as you all know, colon cancer is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. With a colonoscopy, they can quickly find any polyps and snip them off prior to them growing and potentially becoming cancerous. I so don’t want any of you to experience what I (and my family) have gone through over the past few years and what we’ll continue to go through until a cure for cancer is discovered.

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. For those of you who have not had your colonoscopy and should have had it (you know who you are), I am giving you plenty of time to get it scheduled before March arrives. I’d be honored to hear it if you do…

As for me, on Tuesday I will go and see Dr. Fisher at Stanford to check in and make sure that I'm still on the right path(I also wanted to see him and Margreet - because I really miss them.) I will also be heading back to Dr. Smith's office this Thursday for chemo, although I remain in remission. Keep sending those positive thoughts and prayers!

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