Saturday, July 31, 2010

She's up and around

I was able to spend some time with Eve today. While she's still pretty wiped out, she was able to make one lap around the nurses station, despite some lingering numbness in her leg.

I was there with her mom and friend from Spain, Alejandro. We talked and joked with her as she faded in and out of the conversation. She's not laughing yet, but we did see evidence of a few smirks. I know she's reading your posts to this blog. So if you have some time today, please leave her a note of encouragement--and let's see if we can get that smirch to a smile!


Anonymous said...

Here's something you might find funny Eve. I set an Outlook reminder (hello, who's a geek?! Picture the "bing bong" that Microsoft makes...) for 12:15 so it would pop up and remind me of when to think of you, and get as close to prayer as an agnostic possibly could. All my love.

Mike said...

Hang in there Buddy. We're all pulling for you. Our church has you on our prayer list. We love you and can't wait to see you in something without "Property of Hospital Supply" printed on it.

Love Mike Luken & Family

Natalie said...

Eve, great news that you are already up and around. Thinking of you everyday, you are an inspiration to us all.

Kirsten said...

Hey Eve, I am thinking of you with every breath and sending all my good healing energy across the miles to you. The Georgian Orthodox Church is sending up prayers for Chava Raffaella, so there's one religion box you can check. Sending lots of love to you, Kirsten and Aquil

Unknown said...

Hey Sis ~

Thinking of you from rainy London and so glad to hear that you're on your feet again. Jack and Leo talk about you a're on all of our minds all of the time. xoxo Mir

Ann Levine said...

Trying to figure out how to transliterate (is that a verb?) Rafuach Shalom.....
Even our religion has the perfect prayer for you. Thinking of you, wishing you speedy healing, and that your smile returns as quickly as possible.
Love from the Levines.

Debi said...


So pleased to hear you're up and getting around! One tour around the nurses station . . . you go! All the Sisters You've Never Met continue to pray for you and wish you well. They send happy healing vibes your way, so know that you are a part of so many lives. Sending you massive hugs and kisses!

Anonymous said...

Dear Eve,
Karen, Mark, Micah, and Jonah thought of you Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (Shabbat Shalom), Saturday (Shabbat Shalom and Shavua Tov), and today. Also, please stay tuned for this commercial announcement:
Don't forget to watch So You Think You Can Dance on Wednesday and Thursday nights on FOX! And now back to our regularly scheduled programming:
We love you and miss you and look forward to the time soon coming when you will feel like yourself again.
Much love,
Karen, Mark, Micah, and Jonah Bloom

Anonymous said...

we're thinking of you. Sending love and light for fast healing! Love Elizabeth, Jay, Sophie and Patrick

birdie said...

Hi Eveie,

Glad to hear you're up and moving around.

Just so you remember you did laugh for me and Pat the night of your surgery when you were able to read the clock across the room perfectly without your glasses. We suspected the surgery had taken so long b/c they had also done lasik while they were at it! Keep smiling. Laughter is healing.

Love, hugs and kisses,
Bridget, David, Ethan and Daniel

birdie said...

Hi Eveie,

Glad to hear you're up and moving around.

Just so you remember you did laugh for me and Pat the night of your surgery when you were able to read the clock across the room perfectly without your glasses. We suspected the surgery had taken so long b/c they had also done lasik while they were at it! Keep smiling. Laughter is healing.

Love, hugs and kisses,
Bridget, David, Ethan and Daniel

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I'm a friend of Phillippa's. Know that you have a host of people believing for the best for you all the way from God's country -- MISSISSIPPI! I can't wait to meet you!!

Melinda Stoker said...

Hi Eve. I haven't seen or spoken with you for a long time, but I met you through Cindy Wilson and she sent me your blog link. I live in the foothills near Stanford - so focused there and thought about you a lot last week, through this week.

I would like to extend an invitation to you or your family members during your chemo - we have a guest room that sleeps 2 and a den that sleeps 2-3, so please know that if anyone gets tired of driving to and from the East bay, you / they are always welcome here. I've sent Wendy my contact info and please, please feel free to use it - Mi Casa Es Tu Casa. Sending all my positive energy your way,
Melinda Stoker

claudia said...

Sending you my prayers for strength to face things you shouldn't have had to, didn't want to, but know you must.
May you find music to fill your head, soothe you, heal you and then energize you...until you are ready once again to dance to the strains of "I Will Survive".

Wendy said...

Eve - we have been thinking about you a lot this past week. You are such a strong person and it is clearly showing now. XOX. Talk to you soon


Jason Schaumberg said...

Hang in there Eve. I'm sending good thoughts your way.

Unknown said...

Hey Eve, sending you love and best wishes from Brazil!


Anonymous said...

Our fondest thoughts and prayers are with you. After seeing you up and around after your first surgery, I'm sure you'll be ever more determined to pop back with full steam soon. Keep up the good work. Cyril and John

Anonymous said...

Eveola, I'm coming to see you today!


Heidi V.

Linda said...

Dearest Evie...You are in my constant thoughts and prayers. I want to see you as soon as you feel up to having visitors. Sending lots and lots of love to you...Linda

yayasruru said...

Peace and healing to you dear Eve!

Anonymous said...

Eve, , you are on our minds and in our hearts. Jack and I are with Hannah in Chicago and we all keep sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. It's good that the surgery is done and that you've been up walking the halls, even if the scenery is of the nurses’ station! I know with your courage and positive energy you'll be widening your horizons each day. With love, Laura, Jack and Hannah

Unknown said...

Evie!!! I'm taking it all in, my dear friend. Ostomy bag...SUPER SUCKS, right?!! It is so totally temporary for you, Sister. Just one more challenge for you to rise up and over, one more thing that you will be able to say- yep, done that, I can relate. You are building such amazing stores of compassion and wisdom to take you through the rest of your life. Your body has endured such a terrible ordeal, and yet, there it is- still containing your vivacious spirit! And your spirit has endured so much, and there it is- ready to burst forth once again, with joy and laughter and power, moving beyond all this mess into another phase of life that will be all the more beautiful and appreciated because of the mess you have overcome. I love you, WOMAN!!! Sending up prayers, every day...XOXO

jill said...

Hi Eve,

I haven't stopped thinking of you.

I'm not so funny -- as in ha-ha funny -- but here's one of Noah's favorites:

Why is 6 scared of 7? Because 7, 8, 9.

xoxox-love from the lindenbaums

Alejandro Gálvez said...

Non expert opinion: I have been with Eve during the last three days (07/31, 08/01, 08/02), and all I can say is that the improvement I noticed everyday was exponencial. I am 100% confident she will be fully recovered in no time. WAY TO GO EVE!!! We love you!

Jim Lites said...

Hang in there Eve -- they're gonna need someone to plug the ship into shore power. We love you and you're in our prayers!
