Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Recurrence

About 2 hours ago, I received a call from my OBGYN. After a routine pap smear, he called to let me know that the test shows that I have cancer cells. We don't know very much now. I will be heading down to Stanford tonight for a CT scan and then we'll know the extent of the cancer and then determine the best way to move forward to treat it.

I am fairly distraught right now. I debated putting this out there before we knew more, but I figured that I could use a lot of prayers right now.

Please pray for me and my family. Please hug your family. Please stop worrying about the stupid, petty things. All that matters is your health and your family. Every minute, every hour, every day is a blessing.


Cousin Ann said...

That was my first thought, Eve. I walked away from the computer and did a puzzle with Nicole and played checkers with Haley. Your attitude is an absolute inspiration. We love you.

Emi said...

Sending lots of love and hugs your way. Thinking of you, Emi