Tuesday, October 9, 2012

And Off We Go!

I’m thrilled to let you know that they found enough tumor growth in my scans to move forward with the study.  How bizarre is it that I’m happy having tumor growth.  I don’t know how much or where the tumor(s) are, since we have been texting back and forth, but I’m sure that I’ll find out on Thursday.

Why Thursday?  Because THAT IS THE DAY THAT I START THE STUDY!!!  Yes - it's finally happening.  After almost 5 months, multiple tests and a lot of back and forth between Stanford and Genentech, we're on our way.

So - in just a a day or so - I'll be meeting the team at 10 am for lab work and then will head over to meet with the amazing Dr. Kohrt to start the drip.  Thursday's appointment will last about 4 hours, but they expect that going forward, they'll be able to shorten the infusion time.

I am so ready to begin this new journey.  I truly believe that I am pioneer in this new world of immunotherapy.  My prayer is that this study will result in thousands of lives being prolonged or even saved (including mine).

Let the adventure begin!


Michelle said...

Amen Sister! Congrats to you getting in the study. I start Erbitux on Friday and I know your study gives hope for when it runs out. Thank you for being so courageous. Keep us posted on how it goes. Toasting you for your cocktail party on Thursday as i'll be having one on Friday. Much love coming at you.

Unknown said...

Ditto on Amen, Sister! Congrats on the tumors! (Never thought I would be writing THAT).

Miriam said...

Wait, I am not unknown I am Miriam.

Anjie Nelson-Wally said...

Woo hoo!