Friday, December 30, 2011

Name Change (AGAIN) and an MRI

So – as many of you know, approximately 2 years ago, I changed my Hebrew name from Chava Rivka to Chava Raphaela. This was done in an attempt to trick the evil spirits so that any bad fate that was slated for Chava Rivka, would not happen to Chava Raphaela. Well – as you now are very aware, those darn evil spirits keep finding me regardless of the name change.

Thus, I’ve decided to step it up a notch – this past week I changed my last name. So – as of last Friday, I have dropped “Grossman” and have officially become a “Bukowski.” I know that many of you thought that this was my name or that my name was Grossman-Bukowski. Legally, my name was always “Grossman” and I just added the Bukowski to Grossman with the thought that if I ever decided to change my name that people would know who I was. When we moved to Davis and I changed industries I decided that if I was going to change my name, this was the time to do it, so I’ve been running around Sacramento just claiming that my name was Bukowski (although it really wasn’t). But now it is. The girls are thrilled to have the same last name as me and I’m really hoping that this will trick those spirits once and for all!

On another fun cancer related note – I’m heading down to Stanford at 7:00 am tomorrow for an MRI of my spine. Please put me in your prayers that they don’t find any cancer in there. Dr. Fisher thinks that my back pain is most likely just aging and the problems associated with that, but we’re getting the MRI just to make sure.

As I write this, I hear the girls playing “The Game of Life” in the next room. Listening to them makes me realize how crazy and unpredictable life can be. I am just looking forward to having my biggest worry be whether my "house floods" (the square that Ellie just landed on).

Thank you all again for your love and strength. It means more to me than I can possibly express.

Happy New Year!

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