Saturday, October 15, 2011

The California Cancer Research Act - It's So Darn Important

As many of you may be aware, I strongly support the California Cancer Research Act. This was placed on the ballot by the American Cancer Society, former Ca President Pro Tem Don Perata and a lot of other folks that care about figuring out the cure to this terrible disease. My fabulous oncologist, Dr. George Fisher is a huge advocate for the effort (which inspires me even more).

I've decided to use this blog posting to give everyone a little feel for what this is about and why you should care. Before I do so, however, I'll tell you what happened on Thursday at the colorectal surgeon's office. In a word - nothing. He saw my hernia and said that he wasn't going to do anything about it. The area is too fragile and the hernia has no impact on anything. He told me that if it bothers me that I should just wear spanx. So - for now, no surgery is being scheduled.

Now - back to the California Cancer Research Act....

Nearly one out of two Californians will develop cancer in their lifetimes and one out of five will die from the disease. This year alone, 140,000 Californians will die from the disease. Cancer has impacted all of us and the way to beat this disease is through more funding for research. Next year, we will have the opportunity to take a tremendous leap forward in the fight against cancer.

The California Cancer Research Act (CCRA) will generate nearly $600 million every year for cancer research and triple funding for cancer research by increasing the price of cigarettes by $1. All of the money in this initiative goes to fight cancer and no more than 2% will be spent on administration. The California Cancer Research Act will go before voters in June 5, 2012.

The measure is expected to save more than 100,000 lives and prevent 200,000 youth from becoming life long smokers. More than two-thirds of Californians are in favor of the measure, but the tobacco companies are set to spend tens of millions of dollars to lie to voters to get them to vote no. Our best defense is you. By joining the campaign, you can help spread the word that Big Tobacco is funding the opposition. If an undecided voter goes into the booth knowing the American Cancer Society is behind CCRA and the tobacco companies are opposed, we are overwhelming likely to get their vote. Please go here to sign up to the campaign:

By joining the campaign, you will get updates on the campaign both in your community and across the state. You will also learn the latest deceitful tactics the tobacco companies are engaging in. There is no commitment to sign up, but you will certainly have the opportunity to volunteer for the campaign as the election gets closer.

Think about it. How many times in our lives do we have the opportunity to save 100,000 people from premature death? We have all been touched by cancer in some way (some more than others!) and most of us know how painful the experience is. We have the opportunity to prevent the next generation of Californians from experiencing that. Please join our campaign and help us win this fight.

So that's my plea for today. Please please please get involved in the campaign. Soon I will be announcing my online fundraiser for the campaign. (This will enable those of you those of you who don't live in California to support this important effort.) They need money desperately to help counteract the money that big tobacco is throwing at the opposition. Cancer sucks. Let's join together to wipe it out.

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