Monday, December 13, 2010


Tonight I received an e-mail from my oncologist with the results from Friday's CT scan. To quote Dr. Smith:

“Your scan looked great. I see only 2 spots, which are much smaller than before. It is likely that there is no longer any cancer in them, but it is hard to tell for sure.”

The plan is to move forward with Avastin and Xeloda chemo for the next 3 months, but drop the most intense chemo drug, Irinotecan. We will then check once again and hopefully those 2 spots will have been absorbed. With the removal of Irinotecan from my chemo regimen, I no longer have to worry about hair loss. Those Penguin Cold Caps pulled me through with my hair intact!

A huge thank you to all of you for your prayers and positive thoughts. This is a good day. A very very good day.


Ann Levine said...


Mike J. said...

Fantastic news Eve!!

painterdancer said...

I can't believe this good news, you are incredible...what an inspiration. You and your strength amaze me, so glad we met. I wish you more great news, thanks for sharing.
I didn't see John of God on Oprah, but I read the story in the profoundly affected me. Also, I didn't know about Cold caps, but will look for Kenra products. I'm glad to hear your beautiful hair is still with you!!!!
Love from Lauren, from the Commonweal Yoga Day.

Kathy Beaubien said...

I'm so relieved for you. I check your blog almost every day, and think of you all the time. I hope you have nothing but good news and health in the New Year.

Jessica said...

Eve- I was so thrilled to read of your good news on Monday. I am so glad I had the chance to sit next to you and chat about your beautiful daughters and the daily life of a mom with you at our Kenra dinner.
You are an incredible woman with strength that has completely blown me away. I think about you daily and wish for all good news!
best wishes- Jessica

Anonymous said...


Sending lots of hugs your and the family's way... hope to see you soon!

Laurie Earp

Anjie said...

Yippee!! That's great news! Taking a big sigh of relief. Thanks for keeping us up to date! Happy, Happy New Year to you!