Thursday, December 17, 2009

Eve's doing well after surgery

Eve came through today's surgery very well and she’s in good spirits tonight.

The tumor was colon cancer in her ovary, so they proceeded with the complete hysterectomy. Two other small growths were identified on her pelvic wall and those were also removed. A port was placed in her abdomen to be used for her next round of chemo, which will begin after she has healed from this surgery.

Eve is expected to leave the hospital as early as Sunday. She is at Stanford Hospital in room F336.

A team is arranging meals for Eve and her family beginning this weekend. Our next blog post will include a link to sign up for the meal deliveries. If you would like to deliver a meal this weekend or next week, please email


Unknown said...

Eve. We love you. Be well.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!! Glad to hear all went well. I was thinking about you all during the day. XOX