Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Don't Cry For Me, Eve's Blog Readers

I am so very blessed. I have so many wonderful, amazing, dedicated friends. Over the last several days, I have been overwhelmed with all of the love and well wishes of so many of you. It has meant so much to me to know how much you care.

… but, c’mon people, stop all the crying! It’s enough to get a girl depressed!

Yep, I said it – some of you are getting downright depressed about my cancer.

I know this is sad, awful news, and your tears have been out of love, but let’s all stop the crying.

No, really, I mean it –
We’ve got to start beating this thing, people!

Please don’t take this as any kind of criticism. I just need your strength around me right now.

When I told you all to ”send positive thoughts” in my previous blog, I meant it.

Here’s how we’re going to help beat this cancer together: knowing that we can beat it, embracing life, our families and our friends with zest and a positive outlook everyday, being here for each other, and never letting self-doubts, self-pity, or self-consciousness get in the way of being supportive of those you love.

So, I just want to say – everyone’s sentiments so far have been wonderful outpourings of love and affection, and I have appreciated them all. But from here on out, it’s all Johnson & Johnson: No More Tears!

We are going to fight my cancer.

We are going to beat my cancer.

Then we are going to work together to find a cure harder than ever before.

The only way we can do all this is by keeping focused on the positives in life – and we can do it together.

I’m ready to go to battle to get this out of my body. Stand with me, share your strength and courage. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that I will be victorious.


Mike J. said...

Love your spirit and attitude, Eve - I think we're all envious of your work ethic, dedication to friends and genuine approach to life!
Enjoy your Hannukah weekend - you deserve it.

Ann K. Levine, Esq. said...

THIS is the EVE I know and love. And I'm mostly thankful that I finally figured out I can leave comments for your blog posts!!!!! LOVE YOU!

Mike said...

You have to have that spirit. That's what kept my Dad alive for many many years after he was diagnosed with cancer. We love you Eve. We know you can kick butt again!

Mike Luken

Unknown said...

I laugh, I cry when I read your blog. Your headline is too great. How long did it take you? Eve, you are such a model of grace, dignity and joyfulness - even in the face of some pretty scare news. I think you are one of the most wonderful people on earth and I send love and prayers your way as you go through this next journey. Cancer sucks, but you are so much bigger than it. I love you and I'm sending you all the hugs and squeezes you can stand. Your spirit rises above all. You are going to kick this thing. Keep up the attitude and let us carry you through as well. You rock. xoxoxo

Carrie Lockhert said...

Eve, Jeanne and I both send you our love today and always. Ever since Jr. High and before you have been a scrappy, intelligent fighter who doesn't take crap from anyone or anything! Jeanne says to give her a call if you want to talk with someone who knows a thing or two about your enemy, she is always available. So am I, but I just don't know as much as Jeanne! :-)

Unknown said...

Eve, I do not know you. But you know my friend Stacia, so you are a friend of mine. My friends mom was taken by cancer and so was my grandfather, you have an amazing spirit, I can tell, and a great outlook on life! Bless you for
standing up and fighting this courageous battle! I have no doubt in my mind, you are a "kick ass" kind of girl! Stay positive, stay strong and know there are people who have never met you that are sending tons and tons of warm wishes and happy thoughts your way. And by the way, your girls are adorable! I bet they are super proud to have a mom like you! Keep fighting girl and never give up!
Sallie Arellano