Sunday, February 8, 2009

Isn't It Done Already?

Over the past month, I’ve written several blog entries, but I haven’t submitted them to my blog. Why? Because I felt like my blog sounded so wrapped up and neat and done. My cancer was done. There was a happy ending. I assumed that people didn’t want to hear from me anymore.

But it’s not done. The fear of recurrence remains. About once a day the fear sweeps through my body, generally catching me off guard. It takes my breath away. Every story that comes out about cancer – most recently the Ruth Bader Ginsburg story - strikes fear in me to my core.

A couple of weeks ago, I met up with an old high school friend (who is also a survivor) and told her about my dilemma about the blog. As a fellow cancer survivor she also struggles with everyone’s need to be done with her cancer. But then she urged me to keep writing. This blog was not just for me to express what was going on as I was going through treatment, but also to educate others who know people with cancer about what a cancer patient and survivor goes through both during and following cancer treatment. It is important that friends and family of cancer survivors know that although it may be done and over with for them, it really isn’t over for the survivor.

So – I’ve decided to keep writing. For those of you who have decided that you’ve had enough of Eve’s life with cancer – I promise I won’t be hurt if you remove yourself from my blog. For those of you who stay with me – I hope that every time you hear from me it reminds you that you need to set up that colonoscopy or urge someone you love to do so. Or maybe it’s just a reminder that life can take unexpected turns and so you should treasure every day.

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