Tuesday, January 1, 2013

For Your List

You’re done crafting your New Year’s Resolution List, right? No? Good, because I wanted to sneak two more items onto your list:  1) Get a colonoscopy and 2) Write My Will/Trust. 

Some of you have followed my journey from the beginning.  Others of you have joined me much more recently.  Whenever you jumped in, I would imagine that you’re just relieved it’s not your journey.  I’d like for all of you to avoid the chemo, the surgeries, the ostomy bag, the physical and mental pain of dealing with a cancer diagnosis.  I’d like your families and friends not to be subjected to the pain of having a relative/ friend with a colon cancer diagnosis.  What’s the easiest way to do this?  Get a colonoscopy.  It is a very easy procedure and if they find polyps, they snip them off and you’re done.  Colon cancer is the most preventable form of cancer.  Please – prevent it.

As for writing your will/trust….I urge you not to wait until you are facing a life-threatening illness to do this.  It’s much more difficult to do it when you are faced with your own mortality.  If you’ve been putting this off, please just schedule some time and do it.  You’ll feel so much better.  

I’m not going to harass you any more (at least for awhile).  I just figured that as long as you have that list out – I wanted to make sure that you added these critical items.

Now, on to a great 2013!

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