Monday, January 25, 2010

Your Wonderful Positive Energy

On the eve before I head down to Stanford to begin my second (and final) round of chemo, I just wanted to thank you all for your incredible energy. Every doctor and alternative treatment person that I meet with asks me if I have a strong support network. I feel so blessed to be able to say that my circle of family and friends is quite simply phenomenal. I have read many books that point to the fact that there are studies that prove that those patients that have a strong support system have significantly more success than those who do not. So - thank you.

Today I received a beautiful necklace from a dear friend and neighbor (yes - I do have the most amazing neighbors!). There is a lovely inscription on it that I wanted to share with all of you as I head down to Stanford:

What Cancer Cannot Do....

It Cannot...

Invade the soul
Suppress memories
Kill friendship
Destroy peace
Conquer the spirit
Shatter hope
Cripple love
Corrode faith
Steal eternal life
Silence courage


Unknown said...

love light warmth hope heal love light warmth hope heal love light warmth hope heal love light warmth hope heal love light warmth hope heal love light warmth hope heal love light warmth hope heal love light warmth hope heal love light warmth hope heal.

Much love, light, warmth, hope and healing to you and your family, Eve. You are amazing! And always in my thoughts. Bring on the chemo, bring on the healing. Now go kick some colon cancer booty, my dear smart friend.

Michelle said...

You are amazing - I just thought I would check your blog to see what you have been up to and wow, shazam. I need to get together with you for some mutual healing and some yoga. Keep up your strength and I will check in on you soon. Michelle