Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Living On Through Memories

In Judaism, it is said that a person lives on through others’ memories. I want to tell you a little bit about someone who passed away on Monday of colon cancer, so that he can live on by taking a little spot in your collective memories.

Mark Wittenberg, the man who I referenced in my last blog, quietly lost his valiant battle with colon cancer at his home this week. He just turned 36 years old and is survived by his wife and two children (2 and 4 years old). He was an avid rock climber, mountain biker, golfer and fisherman as well as a talented public affairs strategist. An e-mail that was sent yesterday by one of his colleagues said “He could light up a room just by walking past it, most often with some kind of smart ass remark. He had so much energy and life and he pushed us all to savor life as he did.”

Of course I found the wording in her e-mail curious. Of all of the things to note about him – she chose to state that he was a “smart ass.” Well, I’ve decided that Mark’s memory needs to be a part of our Get Your Rear in Gear team: Eve’s Smartasses. Therefore, I plan to dedicate my run (ok – my walk) to Mark’s memory.

Mark’s passing hit me hard. I realized that his story could so easily have been mine. The last that I heard from him, he told me that he was going to be ok. He was going to fight the cancer and win. Although he has lost his physical battle with cancer, his fight will continue on through me and all of you who join me either by participating on my team on October 4 or donating to my efforts.

To make life easy for you, the following is the information on how to register and donate.

To sign up to be on our terrific team, just do the following:
Go to:

If you are going to run/walk with our team, click on “Register Today” Please note that it is a little bit of work signing up, but just plow through it and you WILL get to the end. I promise.

If you are unable to join our team, but would like to donate, click on “Donate Today” I recognize that many of you may not be able to be on the team, but you still can participate in a very meaningful way. You would just input my name and it will give you an opportunity to pledge.

I almost forgot one of the most important points – I saw Dr. Fisher last week for my checkup and he said that my body continues to show no evidence of disease. As we head into the new Jewish Year, I wish all of you much health and happiness and urge you all to take a few extra moments to hug your family. L'Shana Tova.

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