Saturday, April 12, 2008

Now Some Good News!

During my doctor’s appointment and Round 5 chemotherapy, the doctor let me know that my blood work indicates that I remain cancer free! This means that the operation which removed a foot of my colon and 21 lymph nodes was successful in removing the cancer. I continue with the chemotherapy to suppress any further growth of cancer cells in my body.

However, I still have 8 chemo treatments remaining over the next 4 months. As you know, I did have the port installed on April 2nd . It was quite overwhelming, but my dear friend Stacia was by my side to give me support as I was wheeled in for yet another surgery. I’m still too skittish about the whole thing to look at it (I just leave it taped up). Chemo was a much better experience the following day, and I seem to have bounced back much more quickly.

My beautiful friend Shana (she asked that I add the word "beautiful" - it is true, though) is visiting this weekend and wrote me a cancer ode (Shana is known for making odes) which I would like to share with you:

I have a guest who's come to stay.
He's rude and pays no rent.
He's moved into my colon now.
In my nodes he's made a dent.

But he's not smart, this guest of mine.
He'll soon be on his way.
He was dumb enough to mess with me
And soon he'll have to pay.

My docs are smart, and I am strong.
He'll see who wears the pants.
With pipe cleaner art* and lots of prayers
He doesn't stand a chance.

* Inspired by Ari's prolific pipe cleaner art, Shana made the entire ode in pipe cleaners on felt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news! And very impressive pipe cleaner poetry...